Our students understand the meaning of community!

High School Hero Cord Program

At Miller-Keystone Blood Center, our objective is to ready young adults into becoming responsible individuals who contribute to our community by ensuring a safe and stable blood supply.

Today’s high school students are tomorrow’s lifesavers, and we need them to become life-long blood donors. Our Red Graduation Cord program is designed to recognize seniors at their graduation ceremony for being a life-saving blood donor, and to honor them for making significant contributions to our community.

Application for the 2024- 25 High School Red Cord Program is now open!

Did You Donate Four (4) Times?

If you donated blood at least four times, complete the form below to apply for your red cord.

Did You Volunteer Four (4) Times?

If you volunteered at your school’s blood drives – recruiting donors (documented e-blasts, sign up donors, promote the blood drive by student announcement PSA, putting up posters and/or distributing flyers if allowed by the school, etc.), or working in the canteen –  complete the form below to apply for your red cord.

Do You Need To Donate or Volunteer One More Time? We Can Help!

Do you need help scheduling your 4th blood donation or completing a 4th volunteer activity to qualify for a red cord? If so, we can help. Complete the form below and someone will contact you shortly.

[accordion_group header=”Did You Donate Four (4) Times?” id=”job1″]

If you donated blood at least four times, complete the form below to apply for your red cord.

[accordion_group header=”Did You Volunteer Four (4) Times?” id=”job2″]

If you volunteered at your school’s blood drives – recruiting donors (documented e-blasts, sign up donors, promote the blood drive by student announcement PSA, putting up posters and/or distributing flyers if allowed by the school, etc.), or working in the canteen –  complete the form below to apply for your red cord.

[accordion_group header=”Do You Need To Donate or Volunteer One More Time? We Can Help!” id=”job3″]

Do you need help scheduling your 4th blood donation or completing a 4th volunteer activity to qualify for a red cord? If so, we can help. Complete the form below and someone will contact you shortly.


Each student who qualifies will receive a Certificate and red Recognition Cord.
Note: select schools participate in the Certificate Program, but not the CORD program.

Your MKBC Account Manager

How the CORD Recognition Program works:

There are 2 ways to earn your RED CORD:

  • Donate Blood Four (4) Or More Times During High School Career
    • Students 16 years of age and older must register to donate blood four (4) or more times during their high school career.
      • Donors must be 16 years of age or older. State law requires written consent by a parent or guardian for 16-year-olds to donate blood. Please print both the front and back of the form linked below and present both pages at the time of your donation. 
        16-year-old Consent Form (8/21)
      • Persons 17 years of age or older (or certain emancipated minors) may donate without consent of a parent or guardian (unless required by their high school).
      • Donations can be made at high school blood drives, community blood drives, or at one of Miller-Keystone’s donor centers.
  • Volunteer Four (4) Or More Times for the High School’s Blood Drives During High School Career
    • VOLUNTEERING: Students who are ineligible to give blood may still participate in the Cord Recognition Program by volunteering to assist on a minimum of four (4) blood drives during their high school career.
    • As a volunteer they may recruit donors (documented e-blasts, sign up donors, promote the blood drive by student announcement PSA, put up posters and/or distribute flyers if allowed by the school, etc.), or work in the canteen at their designated school blood drive.
    • Volunteer hours must be approved and verified by a school sponsor.
Eligibility Criteria and Graduation Guidelines

Additional Requirements

  • Blood donations and volunteer hours cannot be combined – qualified cord recipients must have donated blood at least 4 times – OR – volunteered at least 4 times. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept a combination of these two activities.
  • Graduating seniors must fulfill these requirements by May 15 or their high school awards event, whichever comes first.
  • Miller-Keystone Blood Center and the participating high schools will work closely together to identify all graduating students eligible for the Cord and/or Certificate.
  • The student’s high school must participate in the Cord Recognition Program in order to receive the Cord and/or Certificate for graduation.

Participating Schools | High School Cord Program

* asterisk indicates school is certificate-only

School Not Listed Form

Is your school not listed? Please complete the form.