Bring a friend to donate in January/February – and you both win!
Bring a Friend is MKBC’s annual program encouraging our existing blood donors to bring along a friend who has never donated with us before. After successfully donating, both donors receive a $25 electronic gift card for their generous support of our community!
Find a family member or friend who has never donated blood with Miller-Keystone and schedule your lifesaving donations today.
What better way to start the New Year than by saving lives together?
Simply schedule your lifesaving blood donations here, then return to this page after
successfully donating to complete your entry form and receive your electronic gift cards!
* Any MKBC raffle drawing winner under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to receive prize.
* One blood/platelet donation counts towards one MKBC raffle drawing entry only.
* MKBC employees and their families are not eligible for this raffle drawing.
Yes, I recently donated blood and brought a friend who has never donated with MKBC before!
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